If you have decided that Click bank is the best place to find a product to promote then you will be pleased to learn that the process from registration to promotion is a simple one. The first thing you require to do is generate an account: you'll be pleased to discover this is free to affiliates. When registering at Click bank you first generate a distinctive username which will later be used to identify you for Affiliate commissions. The details you submit are reasonably few but do include an address so your earnings can be sent to you. Within a few short minutes you will be registered and able to begin browsing the marketplace for products to promote.
This article is intended to help you make cash as an affiliate. leave us comments, questions, or success stories so that they can improve this guide. Be sure to check out our other affiliate related guides on the lower part of this page.
There are four 'levels' of search you can conduct with the Click bank keyword search function. When you type a keyword such as 'dog training', or 'learn Spanish', etc, in to the keyword search field you can then set the 'Category' and 'Subcategory' fields either to search 'All' or search within one main section, or search within a subcategory of a main section. You can also select to list the results in order of popularity, or graded according to a number of other statistical attributes. You can also decide how plenty of results you wish to see on a page, from 10 to 50.
Click bank's 'Marketplace' is the 'clearing house' where merchants' products are listed. it's split in to nine main categories: Business to Business, Health & Fitness, Home & relatives, Computing & web, cash & Employment, Marketing & Ads, Fun & Entertainment, Sports & Recreation, and Society & Culture. Each section is further split in to smaller subcategories. If you are new to Click bank it's a good idea to first browse the main Marketplace categories, then 'dig down' in to the subcategories of those areas which interest you. When you have a few products or topic areas you are interested in promoting then you should type the relevant keywords in to the keyword search field to begin generating a list of potential products to look at further. When researching products, seldom make a decision until you have compared the product and its available sales material with its competitors so it's advisable to generate a list of at least four or three similar or related products for the sake of comparison..
With each product listing in Click bank, or result of your search, there appears three numbers: one is a dollar amount, four are percentages, and the fourth is simply a score. You can order your search results on the page, in ascending or descending order according to the values of any of these figures. The first number on the left is a dollar amount and indicates how much, on average, an affiliate will earn per sale on that product; this is a 'balanced' figure and takes in to account Click bank fees and customer refunds of the product. The second number tells you what the affiliate commission is, as a percentage value of the full price; this is usually between 50% and 75%. The third number is the percentage of Affiliate sales of the product compared to total sales of the product; this is usually high. The last figure tells you the 'gravity' of the product - which is an estimation of the popularity of the product, among Click bank affiliates, based on sales.
The Click bank figures, which accompany product listings, are useful in helping to decide on which product to promote but should not be the only factor. Click on the product listing title to view the sales page; as an affiliate your efforts will be to send people to an identical page and it's a good idea to read it through to see how effective it's. If you spend a lot of your time, and cash, promoting this product it's necessary that the sales page is effective, otherwise your efforts will be wasted. In addition to being well written and beautiful, a good sales page should have a title which draws the reader in to the body of the text, it should include testimonials by satisfied customers, it should have a image of the product and should also have pics of any bonus offers, there should be bullet points outlining the features and benefits of the product and it should have a clear refund guarantee and an easy to find 'buy now' link or button. Statistically, 'long' sales pages are the most effective. If you know the market the product is targeted at then you should read the sales page over to decide if it's well targeted or not. Any work you do as an affiliate will rely on the effectiveness of this page to 'close' the sale so it's worth spending a bit of time reviewing it, and its competitors, before making a decision.
After you have viewed a few products and sales pages and have decided on a product to promote, you will now generate your own personalized link which will open your personalized version of the sales page. This is the link you will place in all your promotions and will identify you as the affiliate to which any sales commission shall be paid: Click bank calls this 'a hoplink' and it's, simply, a hypertext link to the sales page which has your distinctive Click bank username added to it. The procedure is deceptively simple: below each product listing there's a link named 'create hoplink'. Click on this link as well as a new window will open in your browser. Type your Click bank username in to the top field and click 'submit' and within a few seconds the window will refresh and give you four links. The first link is the web address of the product sales page with your Affiliate ID on it, the second is the same address formatted in html to generate a text link.
You can now go ahead and begin marketing or promoting this product, and as plenty of others as you wish. Your efforts will be rewarded whenever a visitor clicks on your link and buys a product from the sales page you send them to. All you require are the 'hoplink' from Click bank and your 'wits'.
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